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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/3969

Title: "Alkaline Lipase Production by Marine Bacillus smithii BTMS 11"
Authors: Lailaja, V P
Keywords: Sources and Occurance of Lipases
Lipase Production
Purification of Lipase
Lipase Assay
Properties of Bacterial Lipases
Issue Date: 27-Jul-2007
Publisher: Cochin University of Science And Technology
Abstract: Considering the potential of marine environment present study was designed for the screening and isolation of a potential salt tolerant. alkaline and thennotolerant lipase producing bacteria from the costal belts of South India and consequent development of ideal bioprocess for industrial production, purification characterisation and evaluation of the potential of the lipase enzyme for various industrial applications 1. Screening and isolation of a potential lipase producing bacteria. 2. Optimization of various physicochemical factors in Submerged fennentation for the production of alkaline lipase 3. Purification ofthe lipase enzyme 4. Characterisation of the enzyme 5. Evaluation of the enzyme for various industrial applications
Description: Microbial Technology Laboratory Department of Biotechnology Cochin University of Science and Technology
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3969
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Technology

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