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Dr A A M Hatha >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/3939

Title: Diversity of Bacillus And Actinomycetes in the water and sediment samples from Kumarakom region of Vembanadu lake
Authors: Hatha, A A M
Maya, George
Neethu, Cyriac
Aswathi, Nair
Keywords: Wetland
microbial diversity
Hydrolytic enzymes
Antibacterial activity
Issue Date: Jun-2011
Publisher: Indian Journal Of Geo Marine Sciences
Abstract: Diversity of different groups of Bacillus and Actinomycetes in the water and sediment samples from kumarakom estuary was analysed to find out potential strains for further application. Bacillus genera was identified and grouped into five phenogroups .Phenogroups show differences in the shape of the spore,position of the spore,and swelling of the sporangium.Ability of the isolates to elaborate various hydrolytic enzymes and their ability to reduce nitrate and ferment various carbohydrate sources were also studied.
Description: Indian Journal Of Geo Marine Sciences Vol.40(3),June 2011,PP 430-437
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3939
Appears in Collections:Dr A A M Hatha

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