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Title: E-Resources in the Engineering College Libraries of Kerala: Problems towards Sustainable Collection Development
Other Titles: Problems towards Sustainable Collection Development
Authors: Archana, S N
Dr.Humayoon,Kabir S
Keywords: Electronic resources
academic library
engineering students
online journals and databases
Sustainable Collection Development
Issue Date: Dec-2012
Publisher: Cochin University of Science and Technology
Abstract: Electronic resources have become a vital part of an academic library especially in universities and higher education institutions. The availability of electronic resources and the acceptance of the fonnat among the academics are rising day by day. As far as engineering students are concerned, they are much techno-savy and are more used to electronic resources. So it has become necessary for the libraries of engineering institutions to subscribe and provide access to electronic resources to satisfy its user community. Many studies have identified that academics are much preferring online journals and databases than their print counter-parts
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3927
Appears in Collections:Archana S N

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