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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/3883

Title: Automated synthesis of delay-reduced Reed-Muller universal logic module networks
Authors: Poulose Jacob,K
Shahana, T K
Sasi, S
Rekha, James K
Keywords: Automated Synthesis
Reed-Muller Universal Logic Module
reduction in delay
Issue Date: 21-Nov-2005
Publisher: IEEE
Abstract: This paper presents a new approach to implement Reed-Muller Universal Logic Module (RM-ULM) networks with reduced delay and hardware for synthesizing logic functions given in Reed-Muller (RM) form. Replication of single control line RM-ULM is used as the only design unit for defining any logic function. An algorithm is proposed that does exhaustive branching to reduce the number of levels and modules required to implement any logic function in RM form. This approach attains a reduction in delay, and power over other implementations of functions having large number of variables.
Description: NORCHIP Conference, 2005. 23rd
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3883
Appears in Collections:Dr. K Poulose Jacob

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