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Title: " Nonlinear Signal Processing of Electroencephalogram .' Application in the Study of Neurodynamics. "
Other Titles: Application in the Study of Neurodynamics.
Authors: Indic, P
Dr.Nampoori,V P N
Keywords: Stability Analysis
Limit Cycles
Stochastic Resonance
Nonlinear Time Series Analysis
Issue Date: 1-Nov-2000
Publisher: Cochin University Of Science And Technology
Abstract: Interfacings of various subjects generate new field ofstudy and research that help in advancing human knowledge. One of the latest of such fields is Neurotechnology, which is an effective amalgamation of neuroscience, physics, biomedical engineering and computational methods. Neurotechnology provides a platform to interact physicist; neurologist and engineers to break methodology and terminology related barriers. Advancements in Computational capability, wider scope of applications in nonlinear dynamics and chaos in complex systems enhanced study of neurodynamics. However there is a need for an effective dialogue among physicists, neurologists and engineers. Application of computer based technology in the field of medicine through signal and image processing, creation of clinical databases for helping clinicians etc are widely acknowledged. Such synergic effects between widely separated disciplines may help in enhancing the effectiveness of existing diagnostic methods. One of the recent methods in this direction is analysis of electroencephalogram with the help of methods in nonlinear dynamics. This thesis is an effort to understand the functional aspects of human brain by studying electroencephalogram. The algorithms and other related methods developed in the present work can be interfaced with a digital EEG machine to unfold the information hidden in the signal. Ultimately this can be used as a diagnostic tool.
Description: International School of Photonics, Cochin University of Science and Technology
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3811
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Technology

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