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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/3783

Title: Characteristics of oscillation in surface layer and above over Cochin
Authors: Dr.Babu, C A
Hamza, V
Kunhikrishnan, P. K
Sabin, T P
Keywords: Intra seasonal oscillation
surface layer
Quasi Biweekly Mode
Issue Date: Jan-2007
Abstract: The oscillations in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) are important because the transport mechanism from the surface to the upper atmosphere is governed by the ABL characteristics. The study was carried out using wind and temperature data observed at surface, 925 hPa and 850 hPa levels over Cochin and the different frequencies embedded in the boundary layer parameters are identified by employing wavelet technique. Surface boundary layer characteristics over the monsoon region are closely linked to the upper layer monsoon features. In this perception it is important to study the various oscillations in the surface boundary layer and the layer above. It is found that the wind and temperature at different levels show oscillations in Quasi Biweekly Mode (QBM) and Intra Seasonal Oscillation (ISO) bands as observed in a typical monsoon system. Amplitude of the oscillation varies with height. The amplitude of the QBM periodicity is more in the surface levels but in the upper levels the amplitude of the ISO periodicity is more than that of the QBM. From this, it is obvious that the controlling mechanism of QBM band is surface parameters such as surface friction and that for ISO band is associated with the active-break cycles of monsoon system
Description: J.Mar. Atmos. Res. Vol.3, N o. 1 Jan. 2007, 59-63
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3783
Appears in Collections:Dr.C A Babu

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