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Title: Thermohaline variability in the upper layers of the Arabian Sea
Authors: Hareeshkumar, P V
Dr.Basil, Mathew
Keywords: Arabian Sea
Oceanic heat storage
International lndian Ocean Expedet
Salinity Temperature-Depth
Expendable Bathythermograph
Issue Date: Jan-1992
Publisher: Cochin University of Science And Technology
Abstract: The Arabian Sea is an area of complex air-sea interaction processes with seasonal reversing monsoons. The associated thermohaline variability in the upper layers appears to control the large scale monsoon flow which is not yet completely understood. The variability in the thermohaline fields is known to occur in temporal domain ranging from intra-diurnal to inter-annual time scales and on spatial domains of few tens of kilometers to few thousands of kilometers. In the Arabian Sea though the surface temperature was routinely measured by both conventional measurements and satellites, the corresponding information on the subsurface thermohaline field is very sparse due to the lack cw adequate measurements. In such cases the numerical models offer promise in providing information on the subsurface features given an initial thermohaline field and surface heat flux boundary conditions. This thesis is an outcome of investigations carried out on the various aspects of the thermohaline variability on different time scales. In addition to the description of the mean annual cycle. the one dimensional numerical models of Miller (1976) and Price et a1 (1986) are utilised to simulate the observed mixed layer characteristics at selected locations in the Arabian Sea on time scales ranging from intra-diurnal to synoptic scales under variable atmospheric forcing.
Description: Department of Physical Oceanography
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3722
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Marine Sciences

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