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Title: Studies On Vulcanization, Rheology And Reinforcement Of Natural Rubber Latex With Special Reference To Accelerator Combinations, Surface Active Agents And Gamma Irradiation
Authors: Peethambaran, N R
Dr.Kuriakose, A P
Keywords: Vulcanization characteristics based on accelerator combinations
Effect of surface active agents on rubber filter interaction
Effect of gamma irradiation
Effect of gamma irradiation on degradation of latex vulcanizates
Issue Date: 30-Mar-1990
Publisher: Cochin University Of Science And Technology
Abstract: In the present work, studies on vulcanization, rheology and reinforcement of natural rubber latex with special reference to accelerator combinations, surface active agents and gamma irradiation have been undertaken. In vulcanization, the choice of vulcanization system, the extent and mc-zie of vulcanization and network structure of the vulcanizate are important factors contributing to the overall quality of the product. The vulcanization system may be conventional type using elemental sulfur or a system involving sulfur donors. The latter type is used mainly in the manufacture of heat resistant products. For improving the technical properties of the products such as modulus and tensile strength, different accelerator combinations are used. It is known that accelerators have a strong effect on the physical properties of rubber vulcanizates. A perusal of the literature indicates that fundamental studies on the above aspects of latex technology are very limited. Thereforea systematic study on vulcanization, rheology and reinforcement of natural rubber latex with reference to the effect of accelerator combinations, surface active agents and gamma irradiation has been undertaken. The preparation and evaluation of some products like latex thread was also undertaken as a part of the study. The thesis consists of six chapter
Description: Department of Polymer Science and Rubber Technology, Cochin University of Science and Technology
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3662
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Technology

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