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Title: Paper industry in Kerala: An evaluation of labour absorption,capacity utilisation, and environmental pollution
Authors: Sunny, George
Keywords: Historical development of paper industry
Labour absorption and economics of scale
Capacity utilisation
Externalities of paper industry
Issue Date: 1991
Publisher: Cochin University of Science And Technology
Abstract: Paper industry is one of the oldest and largest industries in Kerala. Despite the developments in the industry in terms of growth in output , value added and employment generation, many of the units face grave problems. Irrespective of the size of the plant, the problems of the industry are general in nature. The problems are galore in the supply, not the demand side. Amomg the problems, the important ones are: raw material scarcity, energy deficiency and obsolete technology. Further, the industry is subject to many controls by the Government — price control, product control and raw materials control — which result in the dwindling of profits and investments. Equally important are the reservations against the industry for polluting the environment byeffluent disposal on the one hand and affecting ecological balance by depleting the existing forest on the other. Apart from the large, medium and small pulp and paper mills, there are about 30 hand made paper units in Kerala which can be categorised as village and cottage industry. Almost all of these units began at the initiative and support of Khadi and Village Industries Commission. The primary purpose of these units is employment generation, and not profit making. Currently many of these units are in the red and many others are on the verge of closure. Therefore, a separate analysis of the growth performance, and problems and prospects of the hand made paper industry has also been attempted. It is analysed separately because of the very small size of the hand made paper units
Description: Department of Applied Economics, Cochin University of Science and Technology
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3638
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Social Sciences

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