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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/3626

Title: New accelerator system for low temperature curing of elastomers with special reference to NR, NBR and NR/BR blends
Authors: Shiny,Palaty
Keywords: Accelerated vulcanisation
Single accelerator systems
Binary accelerator systems
Low temperature vulcanisation
Preparation and characterisation of xanthates
Issue Date: Mar-2002
Publisher: Cochin University of Science And Technology
Abstract: The primary objective of this work is to develop an efficient accelerator system for low temperature vulcanization of rubbers. Although xanthates are known to act as accelerators for low temperature vulcanization, a systematic study on the mechanism of vulcanization, the mechanical properties of the vulcanizates at varying temperatures of vulcanization, cure characteristics etc are not reported. Further. xanthate based curing systems are not commonly used because of their chance for premature vulcanization during processing. The proposed study is to develop a novel accelerator system for the low temperature vulcanization of rubbers having enough processing safely. lt is also proposed to develop a method for the prevulcanisation of natural rubber latex at room temperature. As already mentioned the manufacture of rubber products at low temperature will improve its quality and appearance. Also, energy consumption can be reduced by low temperature vulcanization. in addition, low temperature vulcanization will be extremely useful in the area of repair of defective products, since subjecting finished products to high temperatures during the process of repair will adversely affect the quality of the product. Further. room temperature curing accelerator systems will find extensive applications in surface coating industries.
Description: Department of Polymer science & Rubber Technology, Cochin University of Science And Technology
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3626
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Technology

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