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Faculty of Marine Sciences >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/3594

Title: A Comparative Study of The Muscle Proteins of Fishes and Shell Fishes of Tropical Waters
Authors: Devadasan,K
Dr.Gopakumar, K
Keywords: Sarcoplasmic proteins
Myofibaillar proteins
Connective tissue proteins
Fractionation of proteins
Issue Date: Dec-1982
Publisher: Cochin University of Science and Technology
Abstract: This thesis is an attempt to make a comparative study of the composition of the muscle proteins of some commercially important species of fishes and shell fishes of our coast and their changes during preservation and processing. As a part of this the distribution of the major protein nitrogen fractions in several species of fishes and shell fishes was studied in detail.
Description: Central Institute of Fisheries Technology
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3594
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Marine Sciences

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