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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/3452

Title: A Study Of The Strength And Compressibility Characteristics Of Cochin Marine Clays
Authors: Benny, Mathews Abraham
Dr.Babu,Jose T
Keywords: Greater Cochin
Marine clay deposits
Shear strength
preconsolidation pressure
marine clay's.
Issue Date: 23-Nov-1993
Publisher: Cochin University Of Science And Technology
Abstract: With the advent of urbanisation and consequent search for more and more habitable land, it was imperative that the large tracts of marine clays, considered inhabitable earlier, had to be reclaimed and developed. These marine clays, wellknown for its high compressibility and poor shear strength, posed numerous problems to the builders and Cochin was no exception. It is only less than a decade since active research work was initiated on marine clays in general and Cochin marine clays in particular. Eventhough some systematic studies are available on compressibility characteristics, attempts to study the shear strength aspects and development of techniques to improve it have been very limited. This work is an investigation on the consolidation and shear strength characteristics of Cochin marine clays including methods to improve the same
Description: School of Engineering Cochin University of Science and Technology
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3452
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Engineering

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