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Title: Some Lattice Problems In Fuzzy Set Theory And Fuzzy Topology
Authors: Babu, Sundar S
Dr.Thrivikraman, T
Keywords: induced functions
lattice properties
fuzzy filters
ultrafuzzy filters
fuzzy topology.
Issue Date: 21-Mar-1989
Publisher: Cochin University Of Science And Technology
Abstract: It is believed that every fuzzy generalization should be formulated in such a way that it contain the ordinary set theoretic notion as a special case. Therefore the definition of fuzzy topology in the line of C.L.CHANG E9] with an arbitrary complete and distributive lattice as the membership set is taken. Almost all the results proved and presented in this thesis can, in a sense, be called generalizations of corresponding results in ordinary set theory and set topology. However the tools and the methods have to be in many of the cases, new. Here an attempt is made to solve the problem of complementation in the lattice of fuzzy topologies on a set. It is proved that in general, the lattice of fuzzy topologies is not complemented. Complements of some fuzzy topologies are found out. It is observed that (L,X) is not uniquely complemented. However, a complete analysis of the problem of complementation in the lattice of fuzzy topologies is yet to be found out
Description: Depantment of Mathematics and Statistics Cochin University of Scince and Technology
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3440
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Sciences

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