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Title: A study on fuzzy semi inner product spaces
Authors: Ramakrishnan, T V
Dr.Thrivikraman, T
Keywords: Fuzzy real number
N Euclidean algebra
Fuzzy semi inner products
Issue Date: Nov-1995
Publisher: Cochin University of Science And Technology
Abstract: Mathematical models are often used to describe physical realities. However, the physical realities are imprecise while the mathematical concepts are required to be precise and perfect. Even mathematicians like H. Poincare worried about this. He observed that mathematical models are over idealizations, for instance, he said that only in Mathematics, equality is a transitive relation. A first attempt to save this situation was perhaps given by K. Menger in 1951 by introducing the concept of statistical metric space in which the distance between points is a probability distribution on the set of nonnegative real numbers rather than a mere nonnegative real number. Other attempts were made by M.J. Frank, U. Hbhle, B. Schweizer, A. Sklar and others. An aspect in common to all these approaches is that they model impreciseness in a probabilistic manner. They are not able to deal with situations in which impreciseness is not apparently of a probabilistic nature. This thesis is confined to introducing and developing a theory of fuzzy semi inner product spaces.
Description: Department of mathematics, Cochin University of Science And Technology
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3430
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Sciences

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