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Title: Studies on gaussian effective potentials in some models
Authors: Rose, Ignatius P
Dr.Babu, Joseph K
Keywords: Qualitative concept,
Liouville theory,
Coherent states,
squeezed states,
Quantum field theory
Issue Date: 16-Aug-1994
Publisher: Cochin University of Science and Technology
Abstract: In classical field theory, the ordinary potential V is an energy density for that state in which the field assumes the value ¢. In quantum field theory, the effective potential is the expectation value of the energy density for which the expectation value of the field is ¢o. As a result, if V has several local minima, it is only the absolute minimum that corresponds to the true ground state of the theory. Perturbation theory remains to this day the main analytical tool in the study of Quantum Field Theory. However, since perturbation theory is unable to uncover the whole rich structure of Quantum Field Theory, it is desirable to have some method which, on one hand, must go beyond both perturbation theory and classical approximation in the points where these fail, and at that time, be sufficiently simple that analytical calculations could be performed in its framework During the last decade a nonperturbative variational method called Gaussian effective potential, has been discussed widely together with several applications. This concept was described as a means of formalizing our intuitive understanding of zero-point fluctuation effects in quantum mechanics in a way that carries over directly to field theory.
Description: Department of Physics, Cochin University of Science and Technology
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3405
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Sciences

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