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Title: Studies on the systematics, biology and fishery of rainbow sardines, dussumieria spp., from Indian waters
Authors: Radhakrishnan Nair,P N
Dr.Ramachandran Nair,P V
Keywords: Structure of gonad,
Classification maturity stages,
Distribution of ova in the ovary,
Gonado-somatic index
Issue Date: Apr-1983
Publisher: Cochin University of Science and Technology
Abstract: Rainbow sardines of the genus belonging to the family Dueenaieriidae. are small pelagic fishes forming a fairly good, though not abundant. seasonal fishery all along the coasts of India inhabiting the coastal waters. There have been some earlier reports on such individual aspects as their systematic, distribution, abundance. Ostecology and a few biological factors but no attempt has been made towards a comprehensive study on this group. Two species of rainbow sardines are known to occur in the Indian seas and while a knowledge about their biology would be useful from the fishery point of view. it was also thought a study of their systematic position, especially regarding the identity or the two species which had raised doubts among earlier workers would lead to a better understanding or the group as a whole. This thesis is mainly based on studies during the period from April 1969 to march 1971 with a continued investigation of fishhery aspects till December 1975. from the Gulf of manar: and the Palk Bay around mandapam area. on the south-east coast of India. Thus the work deals with the systemtics, biology and fishery of rainbow sardines of Indian seas.
Description: Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3403
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Marine Sciences

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