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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/3277

Title: Bio-chemical changes associated with processing of shell fishes and flavour constituents of body meat and claw meat'of crab
Authors: Chinnamma, George
Dr.Gopakumar, K
Keywords: Crab Fishery Resources of India
Mussel Fishery Resources of India
Clam Fishery Resources of India
Issue Date: Aug-1984
Publisher: Cochin University of Science and Technology
Abstract: In this thesis all these aspects are taken into consideration. Extensive studies were conducted on all aspects of processing of crabs, mussels and clams. The species taken for studies are commercially used ones namely Scylla sereta, perna viridis, and villorita cyprinoids. In Chapter 4.1 with regard to crab) the following aspects on their handling and processing are reported seasonal variation of chemical constituents, changes taking place during ice storage, freezing, canning etc. In Chapter 4._2 with regard to mussel, the relation between age (size) and chemical constituents, changes taking place during ice storage, freezing, canning etc. are reported and in Chapter 4.3 the changes taking place in clam muscle during icing and freezing are reported and the ame rebility of ice stored clams for canning purpose is reported.The interference of high concentration of glycogen in mussel and clam muscles during the colour development of ribose (Me-jbaum's method) is observed and remedial step are taken to minimise the interference.
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3277
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Marine Sciences

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