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Title: Studies on magnetic monopole solutions of non-abelian gauge theories and related problems
Authors: Ajithkumar, C M
Dr.Babu, Joseph K
Keywords: Magnetic charge and topology of dyon field
Syatematic derivation of monopole solutions
Complex SU(2) yang-mills-higgs configurations with finite complex euclidean action
New euclidean solutions of SU(2) gauge theory
Issue Date: 1986
Publisher: Cochin University of Science and Technology
Abstract: In 1931 Dirac studied the motion of an electron in the field of a magnetic monopole and found that the quantization of electric charge can be explained by postulating the mere existence of a magnetic monopole. Since 1974 there has been a resurgence of interest in magnetic monopole due to the work of ‘t’ Hooft and Polyakov who independently observed that monopoles can exist as finite energy topologically stable solutions to certain spontaneously broken gauge theories. The thesis, “Studies on Magnetic Monopole Solutions of Non-abelian Gauge Theories and Related Problems”, reports a systematic investigation of classical solutions of non-abelian gauge theories with special emphasis on magnetic monopoles and dyons which possess both electric and magnetic charges. The formation of bound states of a dyon with fermions and bosons is also studied in detail. The thesis opens with an account of a new derivation of a relationship between the magnetic charge of a dyon and the topology of the gauge fields associated with it. Although this formula has been reported earlier in the literature, the present method has two distinct advantages. In the first place, it does not depend either on the mechanism of symmetry breaking or on the nature of the residual symmetry group. Secondly, the results can be generalized to finite temperature monopoles.
Description: Department of Physics, Cochin University of Science and Technology
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3242
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Sciences

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