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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/3241

Title: Studies on the Dynamics of Cochin Estuary
Authors: Jomon, Joseph
Dr.Kurup, P G
Keywords: Definition and classification of Estuaries
The Cochin Estuarine system
Pollution in Cochin backwatersclimate
Issue Date: Jul-1989
Publisher: Cochin University of Science and Technology
Abstract: The thesis entitled Studies on the Dynamics of Cochin Estuary. This thesis is addressed to an investigation on the tidal, seasonal and spatial variations of the hydrographic parameters, circulation and mixing processes of the Cochin estuary. The present programme of study is aimed at obtaining a comprehensive picture of the tidal characteristics, hydrography, circulation and mixing present in this estuarine system during different seasons. The studies have been carried out through field collection of data on salinity, temperature and water currents to get a picture of their spatial and temporal variations. The hydrographic data have been analysed in relation to tide, rainfall and river discharges. From the findings it is seen that at the Cochin inlet, the estuarine features vary annually. During July and August, the estuary is characterised as almost saltwedge type; during June, September, October, December and January it shows appreciabie stratification, and during the rest of the months the estuary shows almost well mixed nature. Seasonal variations are well reflected in water temperature in the Cochin estuary, where the temperature reaches its maximum during the dry pre monsoon period with very weak thermal gradients indicating strong vertical mixing
Description: School of Marine Science, Cochin University of Science and TechnoLogy
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3241
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Marine Sciences

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