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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/3198

Title: Role of trace element of the growth and Physiology of selected microalgae
Authors: Srisudha,S
Dr.Ramachandran Nair,P V
Keywords: Microalgae
Algal pigments
Trace metals in Seawater
Issue Date: Jun-1989
Publisher: Cochin University of Science and Technology
Abstract: The main objective of the study is primarily to determine the magnitude of selected trace elements, the concentrations of which would possibly accelerate growth resulting in larger biomass and sustained period of exponential phase for economically viable harvest. The study on the effect of three trace elements namely Cu, Mn and Zn on two species of algae,ISOChrySiS galbana Parke and Synechocystib salina Wislouch under different conditions of salinity, PH and temperature involves several combinations for each metal, from which the relative set of conditions has been adduced. The scheme of the experiments was statistically designed for interpretation of data and factors were assessed and graded according to relative importance. The methodology adopted for data interpretation is analysis of variance by split-plot design method. The thesis has been divided into five chapters. The introductory chapter explains the relevance of the research work undertaken. Chapter 11 gives a review on the work pertaining to the above mentioned three trace elements in relation to nutrition as well as on the toxic aspects about which there is an abundance of literature. Chapter Ill presents a detailed description of the material and specialised methods followed for the study. The results and conclusions of the various experiments on effect of metals on growth and other physiological activities are discussed in Chapters IV and V.
Description: Central Marine Fisheries Search Institute
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3198
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Marine Sciences

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