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Title: Buyer information and brand Choice behavior in markets with asymmetries
Authors: Alice, M J
Dr.Francis,C A
Keywords: Market and Buyer confidence
sources of information,product characteristics
consumer behaviour
journals of economics
journals of economics
Issue Date: Jul-2004
Publisher: Cochin University of Science and Technology
Abstract: This thesis Entitled Buyer information and brand choice behaviour in markets with asymmetries.The period of transition set in by globalization and liberalization has ensued a onsiderable degree of homogeneity with western societies with respect to quantity and quality of goods and services.The study is aimed at finding out how the buyers adapt to the prevalent complex and dynamic market configuration by taking an archetypical situation of information gathering and brand- choice decision of select household consumer durables.The study was based on a set of 301 sample respondents who were either first time purchasers or repeat purchasers for household use, of the items under study in the sample area comprising of rural, urban and semi-urban areas. Data were collected using interview schedule and analysis of the same was done with standard statistical computer programs.Buyer confidence as perceived by buyers with respect to information acquisition and brand-choice represents the felt competence to effectively function in the market.In general, lower levels of education, income and occupation showed lower levels of search. The oldest were also low searchers. The repeat purchasers of the product searched less than the first purchasers. The most important source of information was word of mouth or information from others followed by television advertisements. The least important source of information was billboards, displays and similar forms of advertisements.The second factor is characterized by items representing ‘social attributes’ like, use by many others, use by peers, recommendation by significant others and reputation of the brand. The third factor represents ‘susceptibility to incentives and promotions’.
Description: Department of Applied Economics, Cochin University of Science and Technology
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3039
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Social Sciences

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