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Faculty of Marine Sciences >

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Title: Histological, Histochemical and Biochemical characterisation of male morphotypes of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man)
Authors: Anekutty, Joseph
Dr.Madhusoodana,Kurup B
Keywords: Macro brachium rosenbergii
Freshwater prawn
Male morphotypes
Biochemical characterization of various male morphotypes
Description of male morphotypes
Histochemical localization of various metabolites
Issue Date: Aug-2002
Publisher: Cochin University of Science and Technology
Abstract: This thesis entitled “Histological ,Histochemical and biochemical characterisation of male morphotypes of macrobrachium rosenbergii(De Man). The giant fresh water prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) is emerging as a prime candidate species in fresh water aquaculture as a global basis and therefore, receiving much attention in recent years.the present work was aimed at to study the histological variations, if any, in the reproductive system viz. testes, vas deferens including androgenic gland, hepatopancreas and the neurosecretory system viz. eye stalk, brain and thoracic ganglion among the male morphotypes and their transitional stages of M.rosenbergii from growouts. This study was also aimed at to bring out the histochemical variations, if any, in the reproductive system comprising of testes, vas deferens including androgenic gland and the hepatopancreas among the male morphotypes and their transitional stages collected from growouts. Biochemical characterisation of various male morphotyes and their transitional stages have also been attempted in order to find out biochemical evidence, if any, in the morphotypic transformation.Histological study of the testes of three male morphotypes viz., SM, SOC and SBC and their 'transitional stages viz., WOC, tSOC, WBC and OBC have been carried out with a view to unravel the structural and functional differences of the testes, if any, of these morphotypes. Studies on the lipid components viz., cholesterol, phospholipid and triglyceride In the muscle tissue and hepatopancreas have been carried out.
Description: School of Marine Science, Department of Industrial Fisheries, Cochin University of Science and Technology
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3030
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Marine Sciences

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