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Dr. V. C. Kuriakose >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/2906

Title: Dynamics of coupled Josephson junctions under the influence of applied fields
Authors: Chitra, R Nayak
Kuriakose, V C
Keywords: Phase effect
Control of chaos
Issue Date: 4-Jun-2007
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: We investigate the effect of the phase difference of appliedfields on the dynamics of mutually coupledJosephsonjunctions. A phase difference between the appliedfields desynchronizes the system. It is found that though the amplitudes of the output voltage values are uncorrelated, a phase correlation is found to exist for small values of applied phase difference. The dynamics of the system is found to change from chaotic to periodic for certain values of phase difference. We report that by keeping the value of phase difference as π, the system continues to be in periodic motion for a wide range of values of system parameters. This result may find applications in devices like voltage standards, detectors, SQUIDS, etc., where chaos is least desired.
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/2906
ISSN: 0375-9601
Appears in Collections:Dr. V. C. Kuriakose

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