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Dr. M R Anantharaman >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/2844

Title: Ferrofluid thin films as optical gaussmeters proposed for field and magnetic moment sensing
Authors: Swapna, Nair S
Rajesh, S
Abraham, V S
Anantharaman, M R
Keywords: Ferrofluids
Optical gaussmeter
Laser transmission
Issue Date: Apr-2011
Publisher: Springer
Abstract: Ferrofluids belonging to the series, Ni x Fe1-x Fe2O4 and Zn x Fe1-x Fe2O4, were synthesized using cold co-precipitation. Liquid films of these ferrofluids were prepared by encapsulating the ferrofluids in between two optically smooth and ultrasonically cleaned glass plates. Magnetic field induced laser transmission through these ferrofluid films has been investigated. Magnetic field values can be calibrated in terms of output laser power in the low field region in which the variation is linear. This set up can be used as a cheap optical gaussmeter in the low field regime. Using the same set-up, the saturation magnetization of the sample used can also be calculated with a sample that is pre-characterized. Hence both magnetization of the sample, as well as applied magnetic field can be sensed and calculated with a precalibrated sample.
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/2844
ISSN: 0250-4707
Appears in Collections:Dr. M R Anantharaman

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