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Prof.Nandakumaran V M >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/2558

Title: Dynamics of the logistic map under discrete parametric perturbation
Authors: Saratchandran, P P
Nandakumaran, V M
Ambika, G
Keywords: Logistic map
periodic perturbation
bubble structures
fractal basin of escape
Issue Date: Nov-1996
Publisher: Springer
Abstract: By introducing a periodic perturbation in the control parameter of the logistic map we have investigated the period locking properties of the map. The map then gets locked onto the periodicity of the perturbation for a wide range of values of the parameter and hence can lead to a control of the chaotic regime. This parametrically perturbed map exhibits many other interesting features like the presence of bubble structures, repeated reappearance of periodic cycles beyond the chaotic regime, dependence of the escape parameter on the seed value and also on the initial phase of the perturbation etc.
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/2558
ISSN: 0304-4289
Appears in Collections:Prof.Nandakumaran V M

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