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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/2426

Title: Electrical conductivity, dielectric constant and phase transitions in pure and doped diammonium hydrogen phosphate
Authors: Navil Kumar, R
Vallabhan, C P G
Keywords: dielectric constant,
phase transitions
diammonium hydrogen phosphate
Issue Date: 1989
Publisher: IOP Publishing
Abstract: DC and AC electrical conductivity measurements in single crystals of diammonium hydrogen phosphate along the c axis show anomalous variations at 174, 246 and 416 K. The low-frequency dielectric constant also exhibits peaks exactly at these temperatures with a thermal hysteresis of 13 degrees C for the peak at 416 K. These specific features of the electrical properties are in agreement with earlier NMR second-moment data and can be identified with three distinct phase transitions that occur in the crystal. The electrical conductivity values have been found to increase linearly with impurity concentration in specimens doped with a specific amount of SO42- ions. The mechanisms of the phase transition and of the electrical conduction process are discussed in detail.
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/2426
Appears in Collections:Dr.C P Girijavallabhan

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