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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/2342

Title: Studies on Pseudoscalar Meson Bound States and Semileptonic Decays in a Relativistic Potential Model
Authors: Jayadevan, A P
Dr. Ramesh Babu, T
Keywords: Pseudoscalar Meson Bound States
Semileptonic Decays
Partial Wave Analysis
Two-Body Dirac Equation
Relativistic Potential Model
Issue Date: Feb-2005
Publisher: Cochin University of Science and Technology
Abstract: In this thesis quark-antiquark bound states are considered using a relativistic two-body equation for Dirac particles. The mass spectrum of mesons includes bound states involving two heavy quarks or one heavy and one light quark. In order to analyse these states within a unified formalism, it is desirable to have a two-fermion equation that limits to one body Dirac equation with a static interaction for the light quark when the other particle's mass tends to infinity. A suitable two-body equation has been developed by Mandelzweig and Wallace. This equation is solved in momentum space and is used to describe the complete spectrum of mesons. The potential used in this work contains a short range one-gluon exchange interaction and a long range linear confining and constant potential terms. This model is used to investigate the decay processes of heavy mesons. Semileptonic decays are more tractable since there is no final state interactions between the leptons and hadrons that would otherwise complicate the situation. Studies on B and D meson decays are helpful to understand the nonperturbative strong interactions of heavy mesons, which in turn is useful to extract the details of weak interaction process. Calculation of form factors of these semileptonic decays of pseudo scalar mesons are also presented.
Description: Department of Physics, Cochin University of Science and Technology
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/2342
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Sciences

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