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Title: Some Studies and New Results on Multi Microprocessor Applications
Authors: Poulose Jacob,K
Dr.Sridhar, C S
Keywords: Multi microprocessor applications
Issue Date: 1991
Publisher: Cochin University of Science & Technology
Abstract: One of the fastest expanding areas of computer exploitation is in embedded systems, whose prime function is not that of computing, but which nevertheless require information processing in order to carry out their prime function. Advances in hardware technology have made multi microprocessor systems a viable alternative to uniprocessor systems in many embedded application areas. This thesis reports the results of investigations carried out on multi microprocessors oriented towards embedded applications, with a view to enhancing throughput and reliability. An ideal controller for multiprocessor operation is developed which would smoothen sharing of routines and enable more powerful and efficient code I data interchange. Results of performance evaluation are appended.A typical application scenario is presented, which calls for classifying tasks based on characteristic features that were identified. The different classes are introduced along with a partitioned storage scheme. Theoretical analysis is also given. A review of schemes available for reducing disc access time is carried out and a new scheme presented. This is found to speed up data base transactions in embedded systems. The significance of software maintenance and adaptation in such applications is highlighted. A novel scheme of prov1d1ng a maintenance folio to system firmware is presented, alongwith experimental results. Processing reliability can be enhanced if facility exists to check if a particular instruction in a stream is appropriate. Likelihood of occurrence of a particular instruction would be more prudent if number of instructions in the set is less. A new organisation is derived to form the basement for further work. Some early results that would help steer the course of the work are presented.
Description: Department of Electronics,Cochin University of Science and Technology
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/2195
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Technology

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