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Dr. K E George >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/1997

Title: Silane Grafting of Polyethylenes
Authors: George,K E
Isac, Sheela
Keywords: LDPE
Reactive extrusion
Silane grafting
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Abstract: Reactive extrusion is an attractive means of polymer processing since the shaping and reaction take place in a single operation. In this paper we report the silane grafting of polyethylenes in a single screw extruder. The optimum conditions for silane grafting, viz. temperature, shear rate, silane and DCP concentrations, were determined on a torque rheometer and then actual extrusion was performed using these conditions. The study shows that an optimum low level of grafting/ crosslinking can be introduced into polyethylene during its extrusion for better mechanical behavior and=or thermal stability without affecting the processability.
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/xmlui/purl/1997
ISSN: 0091-4037
Appears in Collections:Dr. K E George

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