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Title: Fabrication and Characterization of Spray Pyrolysed Cadmium Sulphide Homojunction Solar Cells
Authors: Varkey,K P
Dr.Vijayakumar, K P
Keywords: Photovoltaics
Solar cells
Cadmium Sulphide Homojunction
Spray Pyrolysis
Issue Date: Aug-1999
Abstract: The study on the fabrication and characterization of spray pyrolysed cadmium sulphide homojunction solar cells. As an alternative to the conventional energy source, the PV technology has to be improved. Study about the factors affecting the performance of the existing solar cells and this will result in the enhancement of efficiency of the cells. At the same time it is equally important to have R&D works on developing new photovoltaic devices and processes which are less expensive for large scale production. CdS is an important binary compound semiconductor, which is very useful in the field of photovoltaics. It is very easy to prepare large area CdS thin films. In order to fabricate thin film homojunction cadmium sulphide cells, prepared and characterized SnO2 thin film as the lower electrode, p-CdS as the active layer and n-CdS as window layer. Cadmium material used for the fabrication of homojunction solar cells is highly toxic. The major damage due to continued exposure to low levels of cadmium are on the kidneys, lungs and bones. The real advantage of spray pyrolysis process is that there is no emission of any toxic gases during the deposition. Very low concentration of the chemicals is needed in this process. The risk involved from this material is very low, though they are toxic. On large scale usage it may become necessary that the cells after their life, should be bought back by the companies to retrieve chemicals like cadmium. This will reduce environmental problem and also the material wastage
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/1010
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Sciences

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