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Browsing by Author Sethulakshmi, N

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
18-Oct-2013Contact potential induced enhancement of magnetization in polyaniline coated nanomagnetic iron oxides by plasma polymerizationAnantharaman, M R; Sethulakshmi, N; Sooraj, V; Sajeev, U S; Swapna, Nair S; Narayanan, T N; Lija, Joy K; Joy, P A; Ajayan, P M
28-Mar-2014Large enhanced dielectric permittivity in polyaniline passivated core-shell nano magnetic iron oxide by plasma polymerizationAnantharaman, M R; Lija, Joy K; Sooraj, V; Swapna, Nair S; Narayanan, T N; Ajayan, P M; Sethulakshmi, N
5-Mar-2014Near fifty percent sodium substituted lanthanum manganites—A potential magnetic refrigerant for room temperature applicationsAnantharaman, M R; Sethulakshmi, N; Al-Omari, I A; Suresh, K G
Sep-2014Towards Realization of Magnetocaloric and Magnetoelectric Applications based on Bulk and Thin film forms of Sodium substituted Lanthanum ManganitesSethulakshmi, N; Dr. Anantharaman, M. R.
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4


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