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Browsing by Author Dr.Kuttyamma, V J

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Aug-1997Effects of the Piscicides, Mahua Oil Cake and Croton Seed on the Prawn Culture SystemUnnithan, Asokakumaran K; Dr. N R Menon; Dr.Kuttyamma, V J; Marine Sciences
Aug-1997Effects Of The Piscicides, Mahua Oil Cake And Croton Seed On The Prawn Culture SystemAshokakumaran, Unnithan K; Dr.Menon,N R; Dr.Kuttyamma, V J
Aug-1988Parasite distribution and histopathological studies on certain commercially important fishes of cochin areaJalajakumar,V S; Dr.Kuttyamma, V J
6-Jun-1991Studies in the effects of hydrogen sulphide on the penaeid prawns of Kayamkulam lake, Southwest coast of IndiaGopakumar, G; Dr.Kuttyamma, V J
Feb-1990Studies on the toxic effects of somepesticides on the fish etroplus maculatusGopalakrishnan, K S; Dr.Kuttyamma, V J
Jan-1998Survey of coral lagoons of Laksbadweep Atolls using line intercept transect (LIT) techniqueNowshad, M; Dr.Kuttyamma, V J; Dr.Menon,N R
2001Toxicological effects of Copper and Mercury on the fish Macrones gulio (Hamilton-Buchanan)Asha, M R; Dr.Kuttyamma, V J
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7


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