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Browsing by Author Dr.Kuriakose, V C

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Apr-2004Photometric and fundamental plane studies of galaxiesRavikumar, C D; Dr.Kuriakose, V C
Oct-2008Studies on Chaos and Synchronization in ac-driven Josephson junctionsChitra, R Nayak; Dr.Kuriakose, V C
6-Jan-1999Studies on High- Tc Superconductors with Inequivalent Conducting LayersRaju, John K; Dr.Kuriakose, V C
Nov-2002Studies on pulp propogation in single mode optical fibresGanapathy, R; Dr.Kuriakose, V C
Oct-2012Studies on Quasinormal Modes and Late-time Tails in Black Hole SpacetimesNijo,Varghese; Dr.Kuriakose, V C
Mar-2008Studies on Some Aspects of Light Beam Propagation Through Certain Nonlinear MediaJisha, C P; Dr.Kuriakose, V C; Science
Jan-2000Studies on some aspects of wave propagation through nonlinear mediaBindhu, S G; Dr.Kuriakose, V C
Sep-2007Studies on Spatial and Temporal solitons with varying dispersion,diffraction and nonlinearitySubha, P A; Dr.Kuriakose, V C
Sep-2008Studies on Thermodynamics and No-hair Theorem in Black hole SpacetimeKuriakose, P I; Dr.Kuriakose, V C; Science
Showing results 1 to 9 of 9


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