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Browsing by Author Babu Joseph,K

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1991Metastable States and Irregular Behaviour in a Josephson Junction with Nonlinear ResistanceAmbika, G; Nandakumaran, V M; Babu Joseph,K; Technology
1992Some Aspects of Nonlinear DynamicsValsamma, K M; Babu Joseph,K
1997Studies in Condensed Matter Physics using q-Oscillator AlgebraLeelamma, K K; Babu Joseph,K
1997Studies in Finite Temperature Quantum Field TheorySatheesh, K P; Babu Joseph,K
1983Studies in quantum field theory at finite temperatureKuriakose, V C; Babu Joseph,K
1997Studies in Quantum Oscillators and q-Deformed Quantum MechanicsVinod, G; Babu Joseph,K
Jun-1999Studies on a new Cosmological model based on Complex MetricMoncy, V John; Babu Joseph,K
1988Studies on the universal parameters and onset of chaos in dissipative systemAmbika, G; Babu Joseph,K
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8


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