Studies on diseases of bamboos and nursery management of rhizoctonia web bligi-it in kerala

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Studies on diseases of bamboos and nursery management of rhizoctonia web bligi-it in kerala

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Title: Studies on diseases of bamboos and nursery management of rhizoctonia web bligi-it in kerala
Author: Mohanan, Choran; Dr.Jyoti, Sharma K
Abstract: Bamboos are vulnerable to various diseases which affect them in nurseries, plantations as well as in natural stands. In India, rot and blight of emerging culms have already been identified as the limiting factor of the bamboo production in many bamboo growing areas, especially in the coastal belts of Orissa (Jamaluddin et a1., 1992). Similarly, foliage blight and rust have been recorded to pose threat to nursery as well as outplanted seedlings which are in the early establishnent phase (Bakshi et a1., 1972; Harsh et a1., 1989). With the increased emphasis and priority on raising multipurpose tree species, large—scale planting of bamboos has been initiated recently in the State. Limited experience in raising the bamboo seedlings together with the lack of information on bamboo diseases and their control measures often resulted in partial to complete failure of many nurseries. Also, poor handling of bareroot seedlings for outplanting affected seriously the planting programme. This was clearly reflected by the large-scale nortality of outplanted young seedlings reported from many plantations. So far, no systanatic attempt has been made to study the diseases affecting bamboos in nurseries, plantations and natural stands in the country. Hence, the present investigation was taken up to conduct a systematic study of the diseases affecting bamboos in Kerala.
Description: Division of forest pathology, Kerala forest research institute
Date: 1994-05

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