Microwave studies of a poly vinyl acetate (PVA)-based phantom for applications in medical imaging

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Microwave studies of a poly vinyl acetate (PVA)-based phantom for applications in medical imaging

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Title: Microwave studies of a poly vinyl acetate (PVA)-based phantom for applications in medical imaging
Author: Bindu, G; Vinu, Thomas; Anil, Lonappan; Aanandan,C K; Mathew, K T
Abstract: A phantom that exhibits complex dielectric properties similar to low-water-content biological tissues over the electromagnetic spectrum of 2000–3000 MHz has been synthesized from carbon black, graphite powder, and poly vinyl acetate (PVA)-based adhesive. The material overcomes various problems that are inherent in conventional phantoms such as decomposition and deterioration due to the invasion of bacteria or mold. The absorption coefficients of the material for various concentrations of carbon and graphite are studied. A combination of 50% poly-vinyl-acetate-based adhesive, 20% carbon, and 30% graphite exhibits a high absorption coefficient, which suggests another application of the material as a good microwave absorber for the interior lining of tomographic chamber in microwave imaging. The cavity-perturbation technique is adopted to study the dielectric properties of the material.
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/2734
Date: 2006-01

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