A Comparative Study of Fiber Optic Humidity Sensors Based on Chitosan and Agarose

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A Comparative Study of Fiber Optic Humidity Sensors Based on Chitosan and Agarose

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Title: A Comparative Study of Fiber Optic Humidity Sensors Based on Chitosan and Agarose
Author: Jinesh, Mathew; Thomas, K J; Nampoori, V P N; Radhakrishnan, P
Abstract: A comparative study of two biopolymer based fiber optic humidity sensors is presented in this paper. Sensing elements Agarose and Chitosan swells in the presence of water vapour and undergoes changes in refractive index and modulates the intensity of light propagating through a fiber with Agarose or Chitosan as cladding.
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/2590
Date: 2007

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