Resonant frequencies of circular-sided dual-port microstrip antenna |
Sona,Kundukulam O; Paulson,M; Aanandan,C K; Mohanan, P; K G Nair
A dual-port microstrip antenna with a crescent shaped
patch with excellent isolation betwecn the ports has been reportcd [I].
Since circular-sided geometries are inore compact than rectangular
oncs, thcy find morc applications in microstrip arrays. The crcscent
shaped antenna geometry [ I ] provides greater area rcductioii compared
to other circular sided patches for broadband operation [2]. In this
Lctter, formulac for calculating thc TM, I and TMZI mode resonant
frequencies of this microstrip antenna, obtained by modifying the
equations of a standard circular patch [3] are presentcd. Thcorctical
results are compared with experimental observations aid the validity
of the computation is established. |
2002-10 |