A Planar Compact Metamaterialinspired Broadband Antenna

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A Planar Compact Metamaterialinspired Broadband Antenna

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Title: A Planar Compact Metamaterialinspired Broadband Antenna
Author: Mridula, S; Anila, P V; Indhu, K K; Nijas, C M; Sujith, R; Mohanan, P
Abstract: An electrically small, broadband-modified, truncated ground metamaterial EZ antenna is presented. This, a modified EZ antenna system, achieves a larger bandwidth of the order of 650 MHz by adjusting the metamaterial-inspired meandered ground element fed by a top loaded monopole. The design is devoid of the large ground planes and the external parasitic elements used in conventional designs for achieving proper impedance matching characteristics. The antenna requires a small foot print of kg/5 3 kg/10, where kg is the guided wavelength corresponding to the lowest frequency of operation, when printed on a substrate of dielectric constant 4.4 and thickness 1.6 mm. The antenna offers a 2:1 VSWR bandwidth from 750 MHz to 1.4 GHz, which covers CDMA, GSM, and ISM bands
Description: MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 56, No. 3, March 2014
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/4339
Date: 2014-03-01

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