Performance improvement of multiple Connections in AODV with the concern of Node bandwidth

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Performance improvement of multiple Connections in AODV with the concern of Node bandwidth

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Title: Performance improvement of multiple Connections in AODV with the concern of Node bandwidth
Author: Poulose Jacob,K; Preetha, K G; Unnikrishnan, A
Abstract: Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETS) consists of a collection of mobile nodes without having a central coordination. In MANET, node mobility and dynamic topology play an important role in the performance. MANET provide a solution for network connection at anywhere and at any time. The major features of MANET are quick set up, self organization and self maintenance. Routing is a major challenge in MANET due to it’s dynamic topology and high mobility. Several routing algorithms have been developed for routing. This paper studies the AODV protocol and how AODV is performed under multiple connections in the network. Several issues have been identified. The bandwidth is recognized as the prominent factor reducing the performance of the network. This paper gives an improvement of normal AODV for simultaneous multiple connections under the consideration of bandwidth of node.
Description: International Journal on AdHoc Networking Systems (IJANS) Vol. 2, No. 3, July 2012
Date: 2012-08-21

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