Photoacoustic observation of excited singlet state absorption in the laser dye rhodamine 6G

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Photoacoustic observation of excited singlet state absorption in the laser dye rhodamine 6G

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Title: Photoacoustic observation of excited singlet state absorption in the laser dye rhodamine 6G
Author: Sathy, P; Reji, Philip; Nampoori, V P N; Vallabhan, C P G
Abstract: S1 to S3 excited singlet state absorption and two-photon absorption in Rhodamine 6G at the pump wavelengths of 532 and 1064 nm respectively are investigated. The advantages of employing the pulsed photoacoustic technique for conveniently observing excited singlet state absorption are discussed. It is shown that, since photoacoustics and fluorescence are complementary phenomena, analysis using both techniques will yield a better understanding of optical processes in molecules like Rhodamine 6G.
Date: 1994

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