Trends in Financial Intermediation by the Banking System in Kerala

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Trends in Financial Intermediation by the Banking System in Kerala

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Title: Trends in Financial Intermediation by the Banking System in Kerala
Author: Philip,M P; George,K K
Abstract: The study documents the long-term trends in financial intermediation by the principal player in Kerala’s credit system i.e., banking. The process of financial intermediation by the banking system, involving mobilization of deposits from savers and disbursal of credit to investors, is considered to be crucial in the process of economic development. The objective of the study is to explore the interrelationship between financial intermediation and economic growth in Kerala. In order to pursue this objective, the study examine, the trends in intermediation by the banking system in Kerala over a long period, the trend and pattern of bank deposits and credit in the State and Kerala’s economic growth, the trend in the growth and performance of financial intermediaries like the All India Financial Institutions, the links between banking and economic variables, and the difference in the growth trends of banking and economic variables between Kerala and India and the probable reasons for the difference
Date: 2006

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